
Connecting Customers to your Ecommerce store with Pinterest

Provides guidance to businesses on how to use Pinterest to promote their ecommerce store. It outlines the steps to create a business account, craft an effective profile, create a content strategy, and track results with Pinterest analytics tools. It encourages businesses to take advantage of the platform and track their results to identify areas of improvement.

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What does ecommerce marketing involve?

Ecommerce marketing is an important part of any online business, as it helps to drive sales and traffic to a website. This is done by using a range of tools and strategies, including SEO, email marketing, social media, paid advertising and content marketing. The benefits of ecommerce marketing are numerous, from increased brand awareness and…

Building an eCommerce website on open source platforms.

Building an eCommerce website on open source platforms.

The idea behind open-source can apply to anything that requires continuous development. In software development, it refers to the fact that the ‘source code’, or code that is used to build the software, is freely available to everyone for possible modification and redistribution. Creating an open-source ecommerce website is a highly viable option. It provides…

Guerrilla marketing puts your message right in touch with the consumers of your product or service.

Ecommerce Intermediaries sometimes are a bad idea.

Intermediaries in any business model generally helps to manage complexity and connect parties through a seamless method. At least, that’s supposed to be the case. However in the ecommerce space, especially the ecommerce space where a lot of people today are entering into, in other-words novices, there are intermediaries that are capitalizing on the lack…