blogging on your ecommerce

Every single day, millions of people world over browse the web for information on basically anything imaginable. There are different websites and web pages available to browse through and blogs are a part of the web pages designed to provide personal or business information.

Blogs are useful as they provide information about a business’s products and provide answers to queries that consumers may have. Blogs also help create strong brands for companies as well as provide a sense of community around existing and prospective clients. By providing regular content for your business, clients grow to trust the brand which results in increased revenues. 

With a major shift towards E-Commerce, blogs are more than ever a necessity rather than just an option. Most businesses do not operate within physical locations and those that do have introduced E-Commerce platforms to reach wider markets and cut down on operational costs. We shall look at the importance of blogs for E-Commerce stores and whether they are worth the investment.

Should my E-Commerce Store have a Blog?

With the current access to internet world wide, statistics have shown that over 50% of consumers buy products online. While there is still a place for physical shopping, most people prefer to browse the internet for products. This means that any online business that intends to survive on that space must constantly have updated information on their products and services so that customers can make decisions easily. It is also a proven fact that people who shop online are blog readers.

Since browsing the web is less tiresome than physical shopping, consumers tend to browse several blogs before making a purchase decision and wherever they find the latest updates, they will most likely shop there.

Consumers get a sense of connection when they read posts as this creates familiarity with the store. They are able to seek clarifications and make recommendations. This turns into trust which translates into actual business.

It is therefore easy to see why every E-Commerce Store should have a blog as it will direct traffic towards their website which then translates into sales.

Importance of a Blog in an E-Commerce Website

We have established that blogs are important for a wide orange of reasons. Some of these reasons include;

  • A blog with regular updates provides you with an opportunity to stand out from competition. Constant updates on the business and the industry trends in general allow the clients to view you as an expert and thus their trust towards the business and the products is enhanced.
  • Blogging is one of the most cost and time efficient form of marketing. As long as the blog is updated with all the required information, other advertising costs such as billboards, fliers and even visual Ads need not be incurred ever. Additionally, very little updates may be needed once the blog is up.
  • Blogs that are carefully worded with keywords are guaranteed to drive traffic towards your E-Store. Blogs allow businesses to take full advantage of SEO and with the right strategy, the business will always among the top pop ups on any random search. Most online shoppers hardly go to the second page of search engines so it is wise to take advantage of a well curated blog to bring your business close to them.
  • When it comes to blogs, it is easy to provide links that direct consumers directly to your website and even to the actual item. This is another way of boosting your SEO module of operation. A consumer will be delighted if they don’t have to go through a long process to reach the product and links are the most efficient way to ensure this. At the tap of a button the client should already be interacting with their desired product.

How do Blogs help Marketing efforts?

A blog that takes SEO into account will immensely boost the marketing efforts of a business. An intentionally created blog has the potential to make other websites and blogs link their work to your site. This boosts the confidence of consumers and in turn they buy from your store. 

Great blogs also ensure a higher ranking in every search and we can all agree that is guaranteed to direct a majority of traffic to the E-Commerce store.

When potential customers are able to engage with store owners and get satisfactory answers to their queries, they are more likely to trust the store and spend their money there which leads to increased revenues.

How do Blogs help Customers?

Our major focus has been on how blogs help businesses grow in this digital age. However, businesses are not the only beneficiaries of a great blog. Customers derive several benefits from blogs which include;

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  • Having a simplified way to access products. While the E-Commerce store may not be known, a blog that provides a links to the store makes it easy for one to locate the store and purchase products. There are many online stores offering similar products and nobody like to comb through the internet for hours searching for items.
  • Access to information. Blogs are an excellent way to provide information on new and existing products. Customers can learn about the different specs and ask related questions to get further clarifications. This also ensures that customers who are conflicted about which product to buy can then settle on one item.
  • Keeping up with industry updates. Blogs on specific niches tend to also provide information on industry trends which is helpful to consumers for their own personal knowledge or to aid in their decision-making process.

In conclusion, it is prudent for any E-Commerce Store that is serious about thriving online to consider having regularly updated blogs as part of the sites. The blog will generally do all the heavy lifting for your business while you smile all the way to the bank. 


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