customer service

The use of customer service in your business allows for a seamless interaction between clients and the core products that the business is providing in the market. It is hard to separate customer service and marketing because it is from good customer service that effective marketing is done. It is therefore wise for companies to incorporate customer service as a marketing strategy so as to hit two birds with one stone.

Companies that have excellent customer service have created a loyal client base since their brand can be trusted and this in turn makes their clients market their products on their behalf through word of mouth. The more the brand is talked about in a positive way, the higher it is perceived in the minds of potential clients and thus with very little effort, new customers are onboarded on a daily basis. 

Importance of Customer Service and Marketing Working Together

Marketing happens anytime a customer comes into contact with a company’s product and or service, whether it’s through getting information or purchasing and using an item to solve their problem. By this logic, customer service then becomes a component of marketing. It is important for the customer service and marketing teams to work together because:

  • Enhances excellent interactions between clients and products. When customers are satisfied in the way they interact with a brand, they will spend more on their products and increase their sense of loyalty.
  • Enhances understanding of Brand perception. Customer service teams interact with clients more than any other department. Marketing can work together with the customer service team to get a better understanding of the client, their needs and how they view the brand that they are trying to push. With this information, they can plan a great strategy to gain a larger market share.
  • Enhances better communication. When customer service and marketing teams work together, they are able to share information and so when a client raises a query, there is no delay in responses and no conflicting information is dispensed. This also helps to reduce internal frictions between different departments as everyone is kept up to date with relevant information.

How Important is Customer Service to Small Businesses

Small businesses generally do not have the resources to set up complex structures to attract and retain customers. Most of their resources are usually directed to the basic needs that are needed to keep the business running. This then might pose a challenge on how to get and retain customers and eventually compete with the bigger players in the industry.

One of the most cost-effective tools that small businesses have at their disposal is the customer service department. By supporting this team, they can achieve so much in terms of customer attraction and retention.

Research has shown that when customers are happy with the service they receive, they are more likely to Increase their spending power. If they were buying one unit, they would probably buy 3 or 4 more units. Customers are also more likely to bring in Referrals.

Existing customers will most likely spread the word about good service to potential customers which will help increase the customer base. Great customer service will also ensure a high retention rate. When customer service and marketing are working well and the customer is happy, there is almost 100% retention which in turn leads to increased revenues. Retained customers are also more likely to overlook your brand’s shortcomings than new customers.

How is Customer Service Used in Marketing?

Customer service and marketing should never really be seen as separate departments if a brand wants to succeed in any given market.  The question that companies then need to answer is how customer service can best be leveraged in the marketing efforts already in place. There are several ways in which this can be achieved including:

  • Be loud on excellent customer service experiences. Always ensure you oversell the great customer services offered to clients provided of course they are true. This will create confidence in your brand.
  • Utilize testimonials and reviews. Whenever clients post or comment anywhere on the excellent services they have received, be sure to include them in the marketing communications. This will entice new customers and give them the confidence that your brand can be trusted.
  • Highlight unique customer services offered. Let potential clients be aware of any unique services that the company offers which makes you stand out from competition. It could be a 24-hr response service or money back guarantee.
  • Talk about new products to clients. The customer service team can discuss new products with clients whether they call in or even when they are doing follow ups on existing products. This will give customers an idea of where they can run to when they need a certain solution.

Role of Customer Service in your Marketing Strategy

The importance of incorporating customer service in a company’s marketing strategy cannot be overstated. Customer service provides a human touch to any brand and product by assuring and reassuring customers that they are heard and the solutions they seek are being provided.

Customer service and marketing thus have to be incorporated together for the overall success of the company.

Customer service is the arm of the company that puts in a good word for the brand. The team ensures that customers perceive the brand as trustworthy and they can do business without fear of disappointments.

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They ensure all communication lines are open and verify all the claims laid out by the marketing team about a product or service. With a good customer service and Marketing strategy therefore, the customer will always feel valued and heard and they will naturally be inclined to spend their money on your products as well as refer others.


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