LinkedIn is undoubtedly the largest professional networking site on the internet. It is a platform that allows people from diverse professional backgrounds to connect, learn and exchange ideas while opening up different work and business opportunities. The platform boasts of over 700 million users across the world and with such a huge user base, one can only imagine the potential benefits that would be accrued from marketing on the platform.

Businesses and even Individuals can take advantage of this platform to boost their existing networks, increase their revenue capacity as well as enhance their brand awareness. The use of the platform is one of the best marketing strategies a business can use because you end up generating leads and fostering relationships that in turn drive traffic towards your website. Additionally, with the use of LinkedIn, you will have access to different forms of analytic tools to help gauge the progress of your marketing efforts. We shall have a deeper look at how marketing on LinkedIn works for a better understanding on how one can take advantage of the platform.

Is LinkedIn Good for Marketing?

The LinkedIn platform has a very huge user base running into millions all over the world.  This creates a huge potential to form different connections that lead to networking opportunities that will translate to business and revenues in the long run. Since the platform does not encourage hard selling or spamming users with business information, it is prudent to come up with a great marketing strategy to appeal to your target clients and push the results that you want to achieve.

With this in mind, one can create an amazing business page and ensure all the relevant information regarding your company is available so that potential clients have an easy time deciding whether you are one with the solutions they need.  The LinkedIn platform is a great marketing place as long as one is strategic and intentional in their marketing efforts. Always ensure you are actively engaged by posting engaging content and interacting with different groups whose products align with the agenda you are pushing.

What is the best way to use LinkedIn for marketing?

There are several strategies that a business can employ to ensure they get the best value out of the LinkedIn platform. These include;

  • Great profile. First impressions can make or break any deal. A business profile/page should be complete with all the relevant information regarding a product that clients may need to know.
  • The profile should always be updated regularly with engaging content and any new skills. Aim to bring the business to life by being authentic so that the clients can relate better.
  • Audience. Know and understand who your audience is so that you are able to better customize the profile for a greater brand awareness potential. Understanding your audience is a sure way to better lead generation and less wasted marketing efforts on the platform.
  • Page/Profile Optimization. Another great tip is to ensure your page is found easily and among top searches whenever potential clients are looking for information. Some of the best strategies to ensure this include the use of keywords that customers are likely to use, use of links that direct customers to your website as well as regularly updating relevant content on the business page.
  • Page growth. Grow your followers through the use of the follow button. Invite followers from personal profiles and always post engaging content regularly that makes people want to read. You can also use captivating images.
  • Ad Campaigns. The platform provides an easy way to create Ads targeted towards specific audiences. There is the flexibility to choose Ad durations, budget and goals. The platform has provided different tools that one can use in Ad creation and businesses should take advantage of this.
  • Analytics. The platform has also provided different analytics tools that can help businesses monitor their performance and make informed decisions. It is therefore prudent to take advantage of these tools to enhance the performance of the pages/Profile.

Is LinkedIn good for small businesses?

LinkedIn focuses on content that is business oriented which is what a small business would most benefit from as it will drive traffic towards their site. With great content, it is very easy to go viral on the platform which will lead to greater brand visibility. Additionally, content from the LinkedIn platform ranks higher than from other sites making it easy to take advantage of SEO.

There are some limitations that also come with LinkedIn for small businesses;

  • Compared to other social sites like Facebook, there will be fewer interactions with potential clients due to the nature of the platform.
  • It takes a lot of time and energy to create content and keep followers actively engaged and is thus not for the fainthearted.
  • Small businesses face exposure to spammers. Through creation of various connections, one might end up getting many spams who aim at posting anything to anyone who cares to listen.

Are LinkedIn Ads successful?

Although LinkedIn Ads are expensive compared to Ads on other social sites, you’re guaranteed to generate higher quality leads from the platform. This is because a LinkedIn profile is more business oriented compared to the other social sites that are consumer oriented.

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A better way to get optimum results however would be through the use of sponsored content which is more targeted towards potential clients. Sponsored content is flexible to allow edits if the intended marketing goals are not being achieved. In conclusion, LinkedIn Ads are successful but an even better way is to go the Sponsored Content way to reap the maximum benefits of the platform.


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