Sambuno imager #40 - press release distribution

Online businesses may have changed the dynamics of business operations a little. But make no mistake, you’d still have to operate them the same way you would an offline business. In addition, if you want your online business to grow, you’d need to have an impressive marketing scheme. It may be tough and rigorous, but I’m telling you, there’s no strategy you’d rather take.

In a world where the success of online businesses is controlled by online visibility, trust me, you’d want to do everything you can to put your business out there. And a good way to do that is press release distribution.

Doesn’t sound like something you know? Keep your fingers crossed because I won’t just give you a chalkboard definition. I’ll also tell you how you can use press release distribution to garner attention for your online business.

What is Press Release Distribution?

Press Release Distribution is not algebra. For example, do you know how the president issues a statement whenever there’s a new policy or a monkey wrench in the works? That’s exactly what press release distribution is. You’re making a press release that incorporates details about your business as its structure, products and services, partnerships, etc. Then you circulate this press release through journalists, magazine and tabloid publishers, and any other faction of the media. 

Remember, the idea is to put your business in the eyes of as many people as you can. So, distribution is just as important as the press release quality.

However, while I understand the need to sell your business as passionately as possible, I’d advise against that. You don’t want to come off as overselling your product. And since it’s a press release, you have to follow the format for press releases. This means keeping off informal sentence structures like possessive or personal pronouns. For instance, you use “customer,” “clients,” or “partners” rather than “you,” “them,” or “we.” Also, it’s unimportant to state your ownership of the company in the press release. Just address the company by its full name, and you’d have a powerful and concise press release.

Benefits of Press Release Distribution

If you’re reading this article, you must think: How can press release distribution help me? What do I get in return? Well, I’m about to answer your questions.

Press release distribution has one major perk: visibility. It may sound unbelievable, but with a heavily distributed press release, the stats for your online business could hit the roof. But visibility is only just one of the perks of press release distribution. Unbelievable, right?

Here are some of what you stand to gain:

Generate Sales

Sales are the heartbeat of a business. It doesn’t matter if you’re offering a service or a product. The success or failure of a business depends o how much sales you make. A press release targeted at your prospective clients can drum up those sales in a rather short time. All you need to do is compose a press release of tiptop quality. Ensure it contains details about your product, your company and vision, and why your company and your product are the perfect choice for your intended client. Then, spread that press release through proper distributive channels and see it work wonders on your online business.

Become an Authority

Do you know what it means to become an authority on the internet these days? If you don’t know, let me tell you. You become one of the who-is-whos of the internet. A place people come to in the numbers for credible information. Information is the currency of the internet, and anyone that has it controls a good chunk of the traffic.

When you use press release distribution, your name pops up on search engines and other internet-related news outlets. This, in turn, boosts your online presence and reputation, giving you enough credibility to bring people trooping into your website.

Increased Traffic

I’ve talked about how press release distribution drives traffic to your website. I didn’t tell you yet that it can also drive traffic to you offline as it can online. You’re allowed to put up all the locations of your company, online or offline, on your press release. You can also tell how successful your business can be by keeping a close eye on the number of people that come onto your website or physical store.


A good press release will feature keywords related to your website, especially if that business is online. You could also put in a good number of backlinks. Once the press release gets out there, Google news and other sites will pick it up and increase your websites visibility.

Learn more about this topic in a real time conversation with an expert. Select a time below.

There are several ways to distribute a press release. But I’ll always say, don’t forget to follow your press releases through whichever one you’re using. It’ll help you keep a tight grasp on things.


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